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Magnetic Head Pulleys

Magnetic Pulley

As Magnetic Pulley Manufacturers and exporters, our aim is to provide the highest quality magnetic head pulleys while remaining the most reliable suppliers globally. Our range of magnetic pulleys extends from permanent magnetic pulleys to Electromagnetic pulley sand Permanent Pulleys, including Rollers for Conveyors. The Magnetic Head Pulley provides efficient ways in removing ferrous contaminants from powdery, Granulates materials like ore, coal, waste, sand etc. The Magnetic Head Pulley is comprised of a 360 degree magnetic core protected by a rotatable stainless steel cover and an axis of rotation. Surface of the Pulley will be wrapped by belt in order for the materials to flow over it. Ferrous contaminants are attracted at the belt through the magnetic field while the material is conveyed. It’s possible to replace an existing head pulley with a permanent magnetic head pulley, on a size-for-size basis. A wide range of diameters, widths, and shaft sizes are available for magnetic head pulleys. Magnetic Pulley contains three types of strength Light duty, Medium duty and heavy duty magnetic head pulleys


STAR TRACE Magnetic head pulleys are built using our exclusive flux control magnetic circuit. This design ensures continuous magnetism around the entire circumference of the pulley-no dead spots. For less critical applications, a conventional magnetic circuit design is also offered.


Applications for Magnetic Head Pulleys

Magnetic Pulleys are usually used in:

Magnetic Pulley Working

Features of Permanent Magnet Roller Pulleys For Sale

The following are the features of Permanent Magnet Roller Pulleys For Sale:

Selection Guide for Magnetic Pulley
Benefits of Magnetic Pulley For Belt Conveyor

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